Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My progress with にほんご thus far...

I thought that it might be useful to write down a brief summary of what we have learned in class so far. I think that blogging about the material and writing my own sentences helps me distill the concepts in my mind.
So far we have learned more about asking questions such as:
- きょうしつはどこですか。(Where is the classroom?)
- くつのうりばはなんじからなんじやすみますか。(From what time to what time is the shoe store closed?)
- やまださんはなんようびはたらきますか。(What days does Mr. Yamada work?)

For me the most difficult things to learn these past few weeks have been learning numbers (especially prices) because I always forget the exceptions such as:
- さんびゃく (300)
- さんぜん (3000)
- ろっぴゃく(600)
- はっぴゃく(800)
- はっせん (8000)

All the new grammar patterns and vocab we have learned at this point is enough to use to describe my daily schedule:
こんばん ななじはんにからごぜんにじはんまでべんきょします。
まいばん ごぜんさんじにねます。

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Why I chose to study Japanese...

I chose to study Japanese because I find the culture very interesting and I would like to travel or study abroad in Japan someday. I also wanted to learn Japanese because it is very similar to Korean which I am familiar with because I am half Korean. I am excited to learn how to carry on a basic conversation in Japanese as well as write in Kanji. I found that memorizing the grammar patterns was the most difficult part of the first two weeks.

わたしは どなた ですか。

わたしは Lisa です。
Columbia だいがく の だいがくせ です。
Long Island からきました。わたしは かんこくじん です。わたしもちゅごくじンです。