せんしゅうのどよびに にほんのえいがをみました。えいがのなまえは "Nobody Knows" です。It was a story about four children who are abandoned by their mother in とうきょう。このえいがは しんみりですよ。ひとりで これを みました。
にほんごのなまえは “だれもしらない。” I noticed that we just learned the grammar patterns that were in the title: the use of the particle: も after the interrogative だれ in order to indicate "nobody."
これは えいがのしゃしん。
きのう わたしは "The Picture Bride" のえいがをも みました。これもにほんのえいがです。ともだちと これをみました。It was about a young girl named Riyo. りよさんは にほんじんです。ひとりで ふねで アメリカのハワイへ いきました。There were no English subtitles but I was able to understand a bit of what they were saying. Riyo comes to America to marry a sugarcane farmer in Hawaii, but has only seen a picture of him beforehand. He fools her by sending a picture of himself when he was much younger. In the scene when she first meets him she asks if that is really him in the picture. She doesn't believe that it's him and asks if he is a friend of the man in the picture: ともだちなんですか。
Much to her disappointment he says: いいえ。わたしはきむらまつじです。
I was also able to make out our newly learned vocabulary word for photograph: しゃしん
にごんごのえいがを すきですよ!